10 Ways to Be Rude To People

Anyone can be nice to someone. Anyone can be helpful and courteous, but not everyone knows how to properly be rude. Why would we want to be rude? Here at ‘Monday’ you know we take the path of least resistance. It’s much easier to be rude than to be nice to someone. Not everyone can do it with skill. So here I will show you some ways you can be properly rude, so that people won’t bother you. You don’t always want people bugging you and sometimes there isn’t a good way to be nice about wanting them to leave you alone.

Here I present how to be rude to people:

  1. Firstly, raise your voice a lot and be very demanding. Some people find this very rude.
  2. Never go along with anyone and always rebel in a decision. Then when they don’t agree with you yell at them for not going your way.
  3. Take everything personally. If someone is ignoring you or makes some comment take it as a personal attack and let them know. Even though they may not be intending to be rude to you, you can certainly be rude to them back!
  4. Name calling is great. Be sure to pick something that you can use to exaggerate, for instance, their weight, or their nose or the fact that they wear glasses.
  5. Yell at them if everything is not perfect, and if it is, then yell about the fact that it’s too perfect. This is also very rude.
  6. Perfect the art of rude hand gestures. A middle finger is a gesticular f-you. In Germany the a ok sign with your thumb and index finger together in a ring, means a-hole — So find out what gestures are rude in other countries so you can gesture rudely to foreigners.
  7. Swearing is considered rude, especially if you do it at other people. Again learn how to swear in other languages so you can insult them in theirs.
  8. Never change your behavior even when you know it hurts someone. Make them cry? All the better, you’re here to be rude not to be a nice guy. An exception to this is maybe to know when you might cross the line and not cross it. There’s a difference between being rude and being mean, and we’re not trying to tell you to be mean.
  9. This one is going to sound counter intuitive but why not learn about social etiquette and manners. If one is going to be rude to people one must know how to be polite. Once you know you shouldn’t put your elbows on the table while holding food, you can put your elbows on the table all the time!
  10. Treat no one with respect. Not women, not your elders, not people in positions of authority. This is ultimate rudeness.

Until ‘Monday’

How to travel the world without actually going anywhere

How would you like to visit the pyramids at Giza? How would you like to see the Eiffel Tower, and have brunch of the French Riviera? A real Oktoberfest in Germany? Sure we all would like to travel the world, but many of us don’t have the money or the means to get there. A lot of us don’t know how to travel to a foreign country. Finally, some of us don’t want to be in an uncomfortable situation even though we may want to visit some of these exotic places.

Why not fake your vacation to other countries? You can read up about them on Wikipedia and regional websites. You can watch videos on Youtube of other people’s vacations. Want to sample real French cooking? Go to some expensive hotel that has a real French chef. Want to make your friends think you’ve traveled the world, you can do that with a cheap digital camera and some free software. You could even go to the library and check out some books on your country of choice.

Go online and find a free foreign language course, and then you can learn the language. Then when you start learning enough you could go online and look for websites which will connect you to native speakers of the language of your choice. It’s as simple as that. Why not ask your new online friends for products of their country and/or their town? So then you would have proof via souvenirs. Nothing could be easier.

How about actually going to a restaurant with foreign food. Right in your home town you could be chowing down on authentic Mexican, or go down to China town and have some real Chinese. (Except it’s not real Chinese but real American China town Chinese, and Mexican can be authentic but that’s only because our country is above theirs on the map.) Go online and get some souvenirs.

You don’t actually have to even leave your house to “travel” to foreign countries. I hope this gave you some good ideas. Happy traveling!

Until ‘Monday’

Decrease your web traffic while still creating content.

We all know how most websites want more traffic, to be able to make more money with ads and affiliate sales, and what not. But have you ever felt you wanted to decrease traffic? Why would you want to decrease traffic while still creating content? For one thing writing articles are a good way to be unproductive. (Refer back to my article on being unproductive by writing blog posts). Also you may not want to invest as much time in your blog. Chances are if you’re reading our articles, you are trying to waste some time which is a noble effort. Maybe you don’t want to be scrutinized for your writing. Sure you could write stuff offline, in fact just writing stories may be just the ticket, or maybe you don’t need a blog at all. Maybe you have so much traffic it’s actually costing you money. In fact I’ll explore this in a future article on losing your money.

Okay so what are some of the ways we can decrease web traffic?
Don’t create great content. If the content is compelling enough, they will come. So make your articles terrible. Write about stuff you don’t have any knowledge about. Quote others frequently.

Another way is to put up new content infrequently or an unsteady frequency. Put some articles on once a week, some not for a month, and some not for many months. If you frequently have new content people will come to expect it and will thereby always go to your website at those times to get it. You want to keep them guessing so they never want to look at your website.

Don’t participate in other communities. Nothing people like more than you participating in their communities and commenting (tastefully) on their blogs. So if you don’t want people commenting on your site, don’t comment on theirs.

Copy and paste from another website. I don’t advocate stealing content, you should give full credit, and in some cases get permission. However, when search engines detect a lot of copying your search engine ranking will become pretty low.

Key words, either lots and lots of them, or none at all. See people search for certain keywords so you usually want to optimize your articles with keywords that pertain to what people search. However in this case you don’t want people searching for stuff on your website, so don’t put any relevant keywords on your site. If you are going to put in keywords then overload it with the keywords, because search engines may rank them lower.

Finally low quality links and tons of ads. There’s nothing people hate worse than a bunch of no-account links and lily-livered advertisements.

If you follow these tips, then you will hardly get any web traffic to your website even when creating new content.

Until ‘Monday’