How to write the same article in hundreds of different ways.

I have a confession to make. I’ve never really written one article many different ways, but I would like to. Actually that’s not entirely true, I have made a couple of articles that are some what similar, like How To Waste Time For Fun and Profit, 10 Awesome Internet Time Sinks, 5 Tips for Procrastination, De-motivate Yourself, and probably others I will write in the future. So that gives me enough authority to write about this. Well not really because, like, it’s me and I wouldn’t trust me with anything.

In any case here is some advice on how to write the same article in hundreds of different ways.

Pick a topic you’re interested in and divide it into different aspects. Not unlike taking a big project and dividing it up into smaller steps, this will not make you more productive. But like when you pretend to work or try to be lazy this can be used for busy work. Let’s say time management is your topic and you’re going to write an article on time boxing (See Time Unboxing for more info not time boxing).

There may be several techniques to time boxing, let’s say, the Pomodoro technique a method in which you set your slot of time for 25 minutes and take a 5 minute break in between each, or the procrastination dash where your time box is only a few minutes, or maybe you want to build up to a longer time period and start at 1 minute and break for a minute, then increase the time worked until you’re up to 20 straight minutes, or maybe you want to decrease the time by starting at the 20 minutes, or maybe you want to just spend 30 minutes on a task or project and then decide to switch to something else.

All of these are basically the same thing, setting aside a period of time in which to do work. (We’re not a big fan of work around here but I’m making a point, so bear with me.) You can disguise the same article about time boxing as these different time intervals. Stacked, with-or-without breaks, descending intervals, fixed intervals with no break, a circuit where you automatically switch tasks when the timer rings, etc. There’s no limit as to how many timeboxing articles you could write with this.

You could also pick items that are similar to each other but not exactly the same and write about them. For instance, overcoming procrastination (which we don’t condone), or increasing motivation (which we don’t condone), or overcoming laziness (which we don’t condone). These are pretty much the same things, you just write it a little differently. You can even copy parts of one into another, and just rearrange it. It’s just that easy.

Now you should go and write one article 20 ways with confidence. It’s an unlimited source of traffic to your site to have hundreds of articles. In fact I think I’m going to do that myself, that way I don’t have to finish writing articles for the rest of the year. Only need to do it for half or a quarter of the year and regurgitate the same information over and over.

Until ‘Monday’

How to pretend like you’re working

Let’s say you’re reading 10 Awesome Internet Time Sinks and the boss walks in. What do you do? The obvious answer is hit the boss key. I don’t know if programs have these anymore but if your browser did you could instantly pull up that spreadsheet and your boss would be none the wiser. Actually I think because you can minimize windows now, that the boss key isn’t as much of a problem. Back in the day you used dos or some other program that didn’t have multiple windows to open so what you had open is what your boss would see. When they made boss keys, then what would pop up is something that looked very business-like, a word processor or the like. These days everyone can minimize windows. That is only one way to pretend like you’re working.

If you’re programming you might put in comments. Can never have too many comments. For those who don’t do any computer programming, comments are just plain text that the computer knows to ignore by a certain character combination on the screen something like the double-forward-slash // or the forward-slash-asterisk /* */ pairs. The need for documenting your program is great, and you should always provide comments when something isn’t clear. However, if you’re just pretending to work you can simply put in tons of comments for everything. Then you look like you’re programming when really you aren’t.

If you’re cleaning the house what you might do is stack stuff and wipe down the most used and frequently seen counters. You’re not doing any real work you’re just stacking, moving stuff around and making it look different. The key is just to make it look different. Put some things from one book case on the other and vice-versa.

If you’re in an office, going to the bathroom a lot might make it seem like you’re working, but you have to be careful to go to the bathroom when the boss is not around and to do it a lot. When the boss is there you’re there at your desk typing away (or whatever it is you do.)

If you’re a stock-boy, why not straighten up some shelves and leave the hard work to someone who really wants to spend the time working.

If you’re writing why not ‘brainstorm’. You would look like you’re preparing to write that best selling novel, but instead you’re just doodling on your notepad. Or surfing the web for “research”.

If you’re a game developer you can play games for research, or better yet, watch a youtube video on the games you want to make without actually working on them.

That’s really all I can think of right now. Of course I don’t really have any authority in this area, having never pretended to work before, I’m just pretending like I know what I’m talking about. Usually I’m just lazy, why pretend to work and just not work.

Until ‘Monday’

How to get fat off the Glycemic index.

What exactly is the Glycemic Index? In the early 80’s a British-born doctor working in Canada was studying the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar. Dr. David J.A. Jenkins and his colleagues developed the concept known as the Glycemic Index which is basically a way to measure how fast carbs break down into the blood stream. Carbs that break down quickly and cause more of a blood-sugar spike such as white bread and other processed food have a high GI, and those that take more time to break down such as whole grain breads and less processed foods have a lower GI. While originally it was studied to see which foods were better for people with diabetes, it has been used for weight control. In this article we’re going to explain how to use the GI for another kind of weight control, how to get fat!

GI values interpreted as percentages on a scale are classified in this way – 55 or less is considered a low GI, these foods might include fruit, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, etc; 56 – 69 are considered medium which include whole wheat, brown rice, potatoes, and so forth; A high GI is 70 and above which include white bread, white rice, things like candy bars, and pretty much anything processed. Most people using the GI for weight control actually will start cutting out processed foods, and try to get to more whole foods. Whole foods are essentially foods that are as close to unprocessed or unrefined as possible. There’s also the concept of glycemic load which essentially means it takes into account the amount of carbs you eat. For instance a small piece of candy might have a high GI, but because it is small the response is relatively low. Glycemic load is a bit beyond the scope of this article and won’t be referred to anymore.

Since this is a ’Monday’ article I won’t spend the time to write a GI chart here, you can probably do that by doing an internet search on the Glycemic Index, glycemic load, etc, but it all comes down to this. Start logging the GI of each of the foods you eat for a week. Then try to substitute a higher GI food for a lower one. Also try to increase your consumption of food. Eating a lot can go a long way toward getting you fat. I would recommend you gradually switch to higher GI foods rather than just eating a bunch of candy bars right from the start. If you ate mostly veggies and suddenly exposed yourself to a large steak and baked potato with butter and sour cream, you would start feeling lethargic, likewise if you ate a lot of candy from the start you would have a quick sugar high and then a low crash, and might even feel sick from eating all that candy. So as in everything start slow and build up. Becoming a lard-butt is hard work, but with a little persistence and some apple pie you too can use the Glycemic Index to become fat.

Until ‘Monday’